American ginseng is suitable for the following people:

1. Qi deficiency, weak lungs, easy fatigue, and drowsiness. 

2. Asthenia fire rises and heat is irritable. 

3. Upset, insomnia, and neurasthenia. 

4. Chronic cough with lung qi, and discomfort caused by excessive smoking and alcohol, such as dry mouth, sore throat, hoarse voice, etc. 

How to take American ginseng: 

1. How to cook and take it: Slice American ginseng, put 3 grams into a casserole, add appropriate amount of water, simmer for ten minutes, take the ginseng slices and ginseng soup together in the morning on an empty stomach. 

2. Steaming and taking method: Slice the oyster into slices and powder it, take 5 grams, add an egg, steam it and then take it. 

3. Containing method: Steam American ginseng in a casserole, soften and cut into thin slices. Take 2-4 slices before breakfast and after dinner. 

4. Make tea: American ginseng slices + chrysanthemum flowers, add to boiling water and drink. It has the effects of nourishing yin and promoting fluid production, clearing away heat and improving eyesight.

5. American ginseng honey soup: Take 10 grams of American ginseng, add water and simmer over low heat, pour into the ginseng soup after cooling, add 50 grams of honey, and mix with an appropriate amount of rock sugar. It can dispel fire, prevent heatstroke, and clear stomach fire. While taking American ginseng, avoid using radish, tea, coffee, etc. to avoid reducing the efficacy.