Can young people eat American ginseng?

How to take American ginseng Many people have the habit of taking American ginseng. Chinese medicine believes that American ginseng returns to the heart, lungs, and kidney meridians, and has the effects of nourishing qi and yin, clearing fire and promoting fluid production. Here are several ways to take American ginseng: 1. Containing method: Steam skinless American ginseng in a rice pot to soften it, then cut it into thin slices with a knife and put it in a glass bottle. Take one tablet at a time, 2-4 grams per day, before breakfast and after dinner, chew carefully. 2. Powder method: Grind American ginseng into fine powder, 5 grams each time, wrap it with gauze or filter paper, put it in a cup, pour in boiling water, cover it and drink it in about 5 minutes. You can repeat it several times until it is tasteless. end. 3. How to take it: Slice the original American ginseng into slices, put 2-5 grams into a porcelain bowl every day, add appropriate amount of water and soak for 3-5 hours. Seal the mouth of the bowl, place it in a pot and steam for 20-30 minutes. Take it half an hour before breakfast. 4. Steaming method: Grind American ginseng into fine powder, mix in 5 grams of American ginseng powder with one egg at a time, steam it before taking it. 5. Soup making method: Cut the original skin American ginseng into thin slices, add 5 grams at a time and cook together when making vegetable soup. Take vegetable soup and medicine together, once a day. It must be noted that while taking American ginseng, firstly, do not drink tea, because tea contains a large amount of tannic acid, which has the opposite effect of American ginseng and will destroy the active ingredients in American ginseng. You must drink tea 2-3 days after taking American ginseng; Second, don't eat radish, because radish relieves qi, while American ginseng replenishes qi, which will reduce the efficacy of the medicine. American ginseng is suitable for people and how to take it. The efficacy of American ginseng: American ginseng is a medicinal and edible plant. It is not only a valuable traditional Chinese medicine, but also a high-grade nourishing product. Contains 16 kinds of trace elements and more than 17 kinds of amino acids, polysaccharides, polypeptides and multivitamins necessary for the human body. It has many functions such as anti-cancer, anti-fatigue, anti-radiation, and anti-aging. It has good curative effect on coronary heart disease, hypertension, anemia, neurosis, diabetes, etc. Taking American ginseng regularly can strengthen your body and prolong your life. American ginseng is cold in nature and is suitable for people of all ages. It can be used as a supplement in all seasons. For young people who are not suitable for taking ginseng as a supplement, American ginseng is suitable for supplementing.