wild ginseng

wild ginseng

Introduction: Wild American ginseng is the dried root of the Araliaceae plant American ginseng. It belongs to the white ginseng category and is mainly produced in North America. It can be roughly divided into [American ginseng → taproot] and is divided into No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3 according to its size. and No. 4, etc., and can be divided into three categories in order of quality: "instant noodles" or "soaked ginseng", [cut → lateral roots and crumbs] and [red meat → ginseng whiskers].


​Wild American ginseng → Produced in the United States, it has an irregular shape with dense black linear horizontal rings on the surface, and the top is even denser. The color varies according to the soil quality where it grows, but it is mostly gray-yellow, and the inner part is grayish-yellow. The layer is light white, light and loose in texture, with a sweet flavor. Those with fine horizontal stripes and light body are the top grade.


Wild American Ginseng → Produced in the United States, it is a thin branch cut from wild American ginseng during processing. It has a sweet and fragrant taste, is relatively economical, and is suitable for stewing soup or boiling water.


Efficacy: The functions and functions of wild American ginseng are to replenish qi and strengthen the body, nourish yin and lungs, clear away heat and promote fluid production, etc. It is especially useful for people with dry cough and less phlegm caused by lung and kidney yin deficiency, and patients with multiple physical deficiencies. It should not be used by those who are weak. This product is most suitable for those who want to warm up their body.


Characteristics: Sweet and slightly bitter taste, neutral in nature.



​Imported directly from North America, the country of origin, ensuring [authenticity and purity];


Strictly control specifications with the "grain number system" to ensure "compliance with quality requirements";


Metal detectors are used to detect all wild American ginseng [without any metal-containing substances].



​Cut wild American ginseng into thin slices and wash with water before cooking or boiling water for drinking;


Wild American ginseng can also be processed and ground into powder, which can be soaked in boiling water instead of tea or added to soup to stew.


Storage method: Store wild American ginseng in a ventilated and cool place. If it is to be consumed for a long time, it is recommended to seal it and place it in a refrigerator (0-8℃).


Other supplements: Wild American ginseng is a great product for relieving fatigue and restoring physical strength. Its growth rate is much slower than that of cultivated American ginseng. The larger the ginseng is, the rarer it is, and the higher its therapeutic effect. Therefore, the price of wild American ginseng is higher than that of cultivated American ginseng. The price of wild American ginseng depends on the year, size, shape and other factors of wild American ginseng. Generally, the larger the wild American ginseng, the more expensive it is.


Food tips:


​Wild American ginseng, bird's nest, and bamboo shredded chicken soup: wild American ginseng (2 qian), bird's nest (5 qian), Thai meatballs (5 qian), chicken hearts and dates (5 pcs), bamboo shredded chicken (1 piece) → used to stew the soup , has the therapeutic effects of nourishing yin and replenishing qi, nourishing the skin and moisturizing the lungs.